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Schedule: Saturday -Thursday 8:00 - 19:00, Friday - 13:00 - 19:00
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The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located in front of the neck just below Adam’s apple. The thyroid produces hormones that manages various body functions. When thyroid produces too much or little hormones It is known as thyroid disease. The most common thyroid diseases are Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Thyroiditis & Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

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trusted Treatmentss


Obesity and Overweight is defined as an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. The basic cause for obesity and overweight is the imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended . The major causes for obesity been an increase intake of energy dense foods, high in fat and sugar and alterations in physical activity mainly due to the sedentary nature of work, transportation etc.

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Spine & Bone Care

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley

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Hair care & Restoration

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley

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Kalpa - The Rejuvenation

Most of the people above the age of 30 suffers from one or the other lifestyle disorders and associated complications. The reason for these being improper diet, untimely food, less sleep, stress. Over the period of time these factors affects the metabolism which will ultimately leads to body and issues related to mind.

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Panchakarma - Detoxification

It is a set of 5 actions or karmas used to detoxify the body. Apart from the detoxification it also helps to attain a peaceful mind. It also strengthens immune system. It has got an ultimate healing, purifying and rejuvenating effect. It helps in slowing down the ageing process.

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Immunity and Ayurveda During Covid - 19

By : Admin   on : 29th June 2020

One of the most widely discussed word now a days regarding health & wellness is Immunity and methods to improvise it. Seldom people ...

Can Stress Lead To High Blood Pressure

By : Admin   on : 29th June 2020

Managing home, long travel to office, work pressure, meetings. when we follow these routines everyday it is just exhausting.


By : Admin   on : 29th June 2020

Thyroid disorders are very common now a days. According to studies, about 12 % of population will experience abnormal thyroid function...


By : Admin   on : 29th June 2020

Viewing a computer or digital screen often makes the eyes work harder. As a result, the high visual demands of computer and digital screens...

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Core Biotics

Ayurveda Center Dubai

Having its roots in the Indian subcontinent, Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine that was developed in the medieval period. Over time, the power of Ayurveda was slowly forgotten. Until now. Core Biotics is trying to revive Ayurvedic practices in treatment and therapy.

We are a team of doctors and therapists who specialized in research. Our innovative techniques of treatment help us achieve results effectively in shorter durations of time.

about Corebiotics

Our vision is to re-introduce the ancient healing techniques of Ayurveda, especially in hair restoration and hair care in the most modern, effective and convenient way. Also to educate and help people to achieve a perfect state of health and sense of wellbeing through Ayurveda .

We offer quality and result-oriented medical Treatmentss by introducing innovative techniques from Ayurveda, the ancient healing science of India. Our mission is to propagate a herbal culture and Nature healing techniques to create a generation with robustness of health and unconcerned about ailments.

about Ayurveda

Most people think hair problems are not health problems. In reality, your hair reveals a lot about your health.

Our team of doctors has developed innovative techniques after extensive research, especially in hair restoration and hair ailments through Ayurveda. Our treatments are intended to rejuvenate the body and mind of individuals who haven’t been able to look after themselves or haven’t found an exact solution for their problems yet.

Welcome to Core Biotics. Our treatments are designed for the modern-day hectic lives, providing fast and efficient solutions to tackle your health issues.

Our well-researched and time-tested techniques will prove to be a truly refreshing experience for all.

Our Specialities

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis varius Praesent lacinia elit nec nisl.

Fusce ut velit semper, semper arcu quis, aliquam magna. Etiam sed justo et sem varius euismod. In ac justo urna. Donec tincid unt nisl semper sapien ullamcorper,

Nec imperdiet augue pretium. Curabitur eu ligula euismod, inter dum libero at, tincidunt sem. Integer ut lacus.

about medicalpro

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis varius Praesent lacinia elit nec nisl.

Fusce ut velit semper, semper arcu quis, aliquam magna. Etiam sed justo et sem varius euismod. In ac justo urna. Donec tincid unt nisl semper sapien ullamcorper,

Nec imperdiet augue pretium. Curabitur eu ligula euismod, inter dum libero at, tincidunt sem. Integer ut lacus.

about medicalpro

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis varius Praesent lacinia elit nec nisl.

Fusce ut velit semper, semper arcu quis, aliquam magna. Etiam sed justo et sem varius euismod. In ac justo urna. Donec tincid unt nisl semper sapien ullamcorper,

Nec imperdiet augue pretium. Curabitur eu ligula euismod, inter dum libero at, tincidunt sem. Integer ut lacus.

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Etiam tristique sagittis pulvinar. Cras scelerisque dui ut, bibendum ante. dit neque eget lobortis. Nam eleifend sollicitudin nulla quis Interdum et malesuada fames.
Johnathan doe
Etiam tristique sagittis pulvinar. Cras scelerisque dui ut, bibendum ante. dit neque eget lobortis. Nam eleifend sollicitudin nulla quis Interdum et malesuada fames.
Angelina johnson
Etiam tristique sagittis pulvinar. Cras scelerisque dui ut, bibendum ante. dit neque eget lobortis. Nam eleifend sollicitudin nulla quis Interdum et malesuada fames.
bekka adkins

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