Ayurveda-Your answer to happiness & health

Mankind has always tried to define the perfect definition of happiness and health for ages and Ayurveda has been the answer for the past 5000 years, Ayurveda apart from providing medical cure also showcases a holistic way of life by striking a balance between both mental and physical health, thus making it unique and commendable. According to Ayurveda, the body(Sarira), the senses(indriyas), mind(satwa), and soul(Atma) defines life(Jeevachakra). The term “Ayurveda” itself can be understood as ‘Ayu’ which means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge together they blend the perfect combination for a healthy life .

History of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an ancient science time tested & practiced for more than 5000 years and written in ancient Sanskrit language. Ayurvedic concepts have existed from the time of Indus valley civilization and even earlier. Some of its major textbooks are Susrutha Samhitha (Susrutha’s compendium), Charaka Samhitha, Ashtanga Hridaya, and Sangraha. Ayurvedic therapies are based on various herbal combinations and also have an influence of early Indian alchemy or Rasasathra which has fantabulous results.

The ayurvedic concept of health and illness
Health as we know could be explained as a balance of physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of an individual. Ayurveda focuses on maintaining the health of a healthy person and curing the diseased . Ayurveda exclaims that health could be maintained by paying close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle, use of herbs and thus throws light to a customized personal healthcare. Knowledge of Ayurveda enables to understand the balance of body, mind, and consciousness based on one’s constitution ie Prakruthi . Ayurveda explains the daily routine and food habits one should follow to maintain physical and mental strength.  Each person has a pattern of bioenergy which Ayurveda identifies as three basic types and their combinations enhances the functional principles related to the basic physiology of the body. These bio-energies are referred to as ‘doshas’ which in the elemental form are of three types namely ‘Vata’,’pitta’, and ‘Kapha’ and a state of balance (samyatva) between them. The balance of these doshas results in health while imbalance (vishamatva) results in disease. The bio energies (dosas) or the individuals’ prakruthi is determined by several factors at the time of conception and remains the same throughout the life and a brief understanding of the bioenergy is as follows

Vata (Subtle energy associated with movement)

  • It is  composed of air and space
  • It governs all the movement in the body even at the cellular level
  • Enhances proper balance, vata promotes creativity

Pitta (Expresses as the metabolism)

  • It is composed of fire and water
  • It governs the metabolism and body temperature
  • It is a characteristic associated with sharpness of mind and promotes understanding and intelligence when balanced

Kapha (bioenergy forming the structures)

  • It is composed  of earth and water
  • It holds all the structures together, moisturizes and  known as the epitome of strength.
  • In balance it helps maintain Immunity and strength.

Ayurveda exclaims body, mind, and consciousness work together in maintaining an equilibrium of the bio-energies in the body. Many factors can influence and challenge the equilibrium state both internally and externally. All people have a different proportion of these bio-energies but their predominance in the state of their constitution does vary. Depending on their energy level it can be primary, secondary, and least predominant. Disturbance to this particular level is reflected as a change in balance. The disturbance could be caused by emotional or physical stress, diet, and food choices, environmental factors like weather and seasons, physical trauma, age, abuse of substances and systems in the body, presence of the toxin. Dubai being an ever-growing city with everyone running in a busy schedule can turn out to be a torchbearer in causing imbalances’ in bioenergies thus causing an easy walkthrough for diseases to occur, Corebiotics provides the  vision towards a healthy lifestyle and a remedy for your health problems from the lap of mother nature Ayurveda.

How Ayurveda balances energies?

Apart from physical wellbeing, Ayurveda takes into account one’s mental, spiritual connections to the ultimate healing and maintain the equilibrium of bioenergy. Ayurvedic medicines and therapies focus on bio-individuality and are exclusive for treating the cause of the disease rather than just the illness.

Medical Benefits of Ayurveda

This historic Ayurvedic medical science has many astonishing, with a splendid array of treatment modalities and some of its core benifits  are as follows

  • Stress buster
  • Aids weight loss and maintains healthy weight
  • Strengthen immunity and reduce inflammation
  • Balances hormonal irregularities
  • Regulates metabolism
  • Cleanses all the systems of the body
  • Enriches the health of senses, hair and skin
  • Fine-tune sleep cycle
  • Delays ageing by rejuvenation

Overall adopting Ayurveda spruce up the quality of life by following daily and seasonal regimens. Corebiotics provides the best Ayurvedic service with expert Ayurveda doctors. Corebiotics focuses on delivering traditional Ayurvedic services in Dubai with its quality and care, Live life the ayurvedic way and let happiness come your way.