Thyroid Management

Thyroid Management

The thyroid anatomically can be attributed as a butterfly-shaped gland located in front of the neck just below Adam’s apple. The thyroid gland produces hormones which manipulates multiple body functions.The excess or reduced production of thyroid hormones can result in metabolic disorders. The most common thyroid malfunctions are referred to as Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Thyroiditis & Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis which are enumerated in detail as follows

  • Hyperthyroidism – Clinical condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much hormone and the associated symptoms include Weight loss, rapid heartbeat, palpitations, anxiety, Tremors, Sweating, Enlarged thyroid glands.
  • Hypothyroidism – It occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones. Symptoms are Weight gain, Thinning of hair, Fatigue, puffy face, hoarseness, depression, impaired memory.
  • Thyroiditis – It is referred to as the inflammation of the thyroid gland which leads  to over or underproduction of thyroid hormones.
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system itself attacks the Thyroid gland.

Ayurveda uses a  combination of external therapies , therapeutics added with diet ,exercises to manage and prevent Thyroid diseases.

We at Corebiotics Ayurvedic Wellness Centre uses time tested techniques with the backing of traditional Ayurvedic knowledge to manage and prevent thyroid diseases. Our treatment for Thyroid conditions are highly customized and we use a comprehensive approach that addresses both body and mind. With the help of our techniques we have achieved constant spectacular results for Thyroid treatment, We ensure you the best Ayurvedic treatments in Dubai and a natural experience from the cradle of Ayurveda.